Orange And White 1966 Ford Mustang Fastback GT350


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Aug 15, 2019
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Orange And White 1966 Ford Mustang Fastback.jpg

Even in the factory form, Ford Mustangs are incredible cars, especially those that belong to the very first generation. The car has a lot of fans.

Mustangs are popular cars for customization, especially the early ones, the so-called Ponies. Fans of the car created such incredible custom that it is hard to even imagine, not to reproduce.
Orange And White 1966 Ford Mustang Fastback GT350  2.jpg

If you are not an expert, then it’s best not to take on the work on the Mustang yourself. It is worth entrusting it to professionals like those whose work we see in the photograph. This is a two-tone Pony with so many details that add a couple more, and you can not recognize the car.

Fastback Ford Mustang removed all emblems, deprived of side mirrors, radio antennas, rear vents and dashboard.
Orange And White 1966 Ford Mustang Fastback GT350  3.jpg

The modification received a new hood GT350, which is a continuation of the windshields. Mustang was painted from top to half in orange, and from the middle in pearl white.
Orange And White 1966 Ford Mustang Fastback GT350 5.jpg

The masters also carefully worked on the engine, even painted it in a color appropriate to the appearance. We removed the pan from the battery side, installed a four-cylinder Edlebrock carburetor on top of the Ford 289ci unit.

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