1979 F-150 460 Dupont Jet Black


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Aug 15, 2019
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1979 F-150 460 Dupont Jet Black.jpg

The saying goes “that old friends can’t be bought”, well here is a story that proves that wrong.
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Forty years ago I was given an amazingly generous graduation gift from my mom and dad. I was 17 years old and the proud (to say the least) owner of a brand new 1979 Ford F150.
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None of us could have known, at that time that I would be the one and only owner or just how many memories that gift would bring.She was my daily driver throughout the years and we covered endless miles together. In 1980, we traveled more than 500 of those miles to Lake Placid for the Winter Olympics. I held onto her decade after decade even through all the lean years.
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Those who have no idea may say she’s just a truck but those who know the truth understand she’s much more than that and there are some things you just never let go of.
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Over the years, she’s gone through several transformations. The most recent began 15 years ago when I decided it was time to restore her in the way she truly deserved. This has been a complete restoration and we’ve not cut one single corner since we began.
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My dad, now in his late 80’s was by my side every step of the way. He was with me every time I picked up a new part, ordered a new part, every time she was trailered for outside work, and he watched with pride as I assembled, and sometimes re-assembled, her bit by bit. This became more than just a restoration; it was a special project my dad and I shared.
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In early 2016, my dad was in and out of the hospital several times. During his last hospital stay, he asked me “Are you ever going to finish that truck?” I wanted more than anything to finish before he passed away.
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I wanted him to see what we had accomplished together but I just wasn’t able to do that. I lost my dad in May 2015 and in June she fired for the first time in more than a decade. I know he saw and I know without a doubt he heard her.

Says: ‎Doug Baer‎ (Owner)
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Steve k

Awesome looking truck. Even more beautiful story